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WEEKLY: Lessons are held every week for 30-minute sessions. All students are expected to prepare and practice for each session while at home. Minimum enrollment length is 6 months. All students are expected to have a piano (88 fully weighted keys) by the start of their 2nd month. Order here through The Piano Studio and receive many additional perks! Every purchase helps support our classroom & recitals.
PRACTICE: Successful practice is a joint effort among teacher; student and his/her parent. It is a must for each student on a regular basis to practice getting the best results. Parents should provide an atmosphere at home that will promote efficient learning and help the student look forward to a routine practice schedule. Time must be set aside consistently for practicing rather than trying to play “catch up” just before coming to lessons. A minimum of 15-20 minutes for 3 days is mandatory for each week. This time may be expanded by the teacher based on the student’s level of performance.
MAKE-UP CLASSES: Make up classes will be scheduled with the instructor via text. No show or no text, make up class will not be honored, and payment will be non-refundable. If missed and/or no show after 2 weeks, student's reserved time slot will be cancelled and will have to re-register. If you're enjoying special pricing, ie: promos, discounted gift card, free lessons, family discounts over 2 persons, no makeups will be offered. Make-up classes may not be stored and used later as a credit. Not to exceed 1 Makeup lesson every 2 months.
ROLAND PIANO PURCHASE: All sales are final and the pianos are covered by a 3 or 10 year parts and labor warranty.
PAUSE/CANCELLATION OF MONTHLY LESSONS: At least a 2-week written notice (text is fine) prior to the next tuition billing cycle must be given to the teacher. 6 month minimum enrollment. Studio will not prorate a mid-month cancellation. However in rare cases a credit will be held on file. Example: family emergency, serious illness.Every effort will be made to retain all students. Most often when a student pause/cancels piano lessons, it is avoidable and due to not having a piano yet. Please ask for assistance to find a piano in your budget.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION: The Music Studio will be closed on the following holidays: Independence Day, Thanksgiving week, Easter week, Memorial Day, labor day, halloween, Christmas week, New Years eve, New years day. Makeups are not offered for holidays, or student's personal vacation time.
TUITION & FEES: Annual membership fee ($150) is waved if you pay the years tuition up front, or purchase a Roland Piano from the Studio. Non-refundable Tuition is paid monthly on the 1st using the studio’s auto pay tuition link. Or also may be paid by check, cash, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, Cashapp, and Credit or Debit cards via the website. Please set up Auto Pay on the 1st of every month.
CHANGE IN FEES: Every effort shall be made to maintain the same fees expressly stated, in the event it becomes necessary to increase fees, a 2 week notice will be given to the parent/guardian or student in advance.
PHOTOS/VIDEOS: Photo and videos that are taken during piano lessons may be used for website and promotional purposes. To opt out please text or email.